showing 12 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Mahjong Puzzles ?? labelminimizeminimize
Mahjong Quest ?? labelminimizeminimize
Super Mahjong Taikai ?? labelminimizeminimize
Sengoku Mahjong  Hudson Soft1988This Mahjong game has a special place in my heart because it was the game that brought me to finally learn the rules. And I found it entertaining that the game includes a campaign mode where you battle for Japan against several historical personalities. I think this kind of approach of designing a board game is always nice. labelimageminimize
Wai Wai Mahjong: Yukai na Jantomi-tachi  Video System1989Quite interesting 2-player Mahjong game. Technically unimpressive, but gameplay is fast and the mini-campaign where you have to play against several different opponents motivate to play more than just one round. labelimageminimize
Mahjong Gakuen Toumasou Shirou Toujou  Face (Sankindo)1989This Mahjong game positively surprised me. It features two different campaign/story modes. The first one is a strip mahjong variant. Between your matches against some cute girls you will also play against some disgruntled guys, which you may give a good punching for extra points when you beat them. In the second mode you must beat persons all over Japan. Besides the standard rules you can earn bonus points, which you can spend for some nice extra cheating effects like exchanging useless mahjong stones. Graphically the game is quite good. Lots of graphics found their way into the 4Mbit Hu-Card, several different tunes are played throughout the game and the developers even gave your opponents a couple of spoken sentences. labelimageminimize
Mahjong Shikaku Retsuden: Mahjong Wars  Nichibutsu1990Interesting Mahjong game. There are two play modes. The first is your standard "play against an opponent of your choice" mode. The second play mode is the real tasty one. It is a Mahjong RPG. You move your character around an overworld, speak with people, visit shops and so on. Instead of fighting enemies you must play short Mahjong matches against random opponents. I couldn't dig very deep into that aspect, because the language barrier prevented me from doing so, but the concept is fresh and something unusual for Mahjong games. Graphics and sound are nothing special. labelimageminimize
Mahjong Gakuen Mild Toumasou Shirou Toujou  Face (Sankindo)1990This game is actually just a modified version of [url=]Mahjong Gakuen Toumasou Shirou Toujou [/url], which was released about half year before. According to the Japanese Wikipedia article this "mild" version has redrawn images of some girls (which were not cute enough...), removed the topless nude pictures and allowed the player to use a continue three times instead of only once. labelimageminimize
Mahjong Gokuu Special  Sunsoft (Chat Noir)1990 labelimageminimize
Kyuukyoku Mahjong Idol Graphic Game Express1992 labelimageminimize
Kyuukyoku Mahjong Idol Graphic II Game Express1992 labelimageminimize
Mahjong Haouden - Kaiser's Quest  UPL1992 labelimageminimize